Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 2 on site (22days to go)

Today started at 7am when we arrived at Placemakers with our list of materials needed for 'The Wall'!!! Within 24hrs we have designed, built and put up 2 6m walls, not bad for us who have no idea about building at all. Our limited budget is becoming a bit of a challenge after building a fence. Here goes an image of Myles and the wall...much happier look than yesterday.
That was all we had time for today but we are excited to pick up our connect four board tomorrow and also paint to cover the ugly ply walls.
Intentions for tomorrow are huge so will be another early start. Myles quote for today:" no one should have to get up before the street lights turn off.." Hmm will have to sort that theory out for the next couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. hey guys, celia here! i'm working in the botanical gardens atm and have seen the works going up! good luck
